Sunday, May 22, 2011


Thought it was time to check in and find out how everyone is doing.  Just in case you might be wondering, here is another clue of what game I'm playing.

If that one doesn't help, how about this one....

Till the reveal day then on June 15th.


  1. The second photo looks like an example for foundation piecing. I also thought it might be a tangram, but am quite sure that is incorrect. I am stumped.

  2. Nice peek-a-boo!! Like Judy I think the second picture is a foundation piecing paper template. I’m not sure about the game yet..

  3. Yes, it does remind me of tangrams, too. And paper piecing, I checked the numbers, just to make sure, but I am used to being wrong - especially when I am certain.

  4. Your blog is great. Thanks for visiting me. I'm going to join you as a follower!! Quilting Hugs, Tizzyquilting!!!
